Well, it looks like all those rumors about a possible coupling of Shane and Jenny on the L Word weren't rumors at all. Looks like Shenny is a definite GO for season 6. Meaning, they're a done deal. Check out the video for yourself if you need proof.
Personally, I kind of like the idea of them together. What do you think?
Some beginner L Word math: Shane + Jenny= Shenny
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, Shenny
Comments (0) | 12:25 AM
Queer MUZIK.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video, Team Gina

Team Gina fulfills the apatite of butch loving lesbians everywhere and gives them a voice with their song butch/femme.
It's about time that someone stood up for butch lesbians. It seems like our media culture jams the femme lesbian identity as beautiful down our throwts--Not that femme's aren't beautiful. Its just that somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten just how sexy a butch lesbian can be. Luckily, Team Gina is here to remind us just that with their great track butch/femme.
Team Gina
Butch/FemmeComments (0) | 11:54 PM
Katy Perry has a new girl crush.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Katy Perry, Music
Katy Perry continues to exploit her girl crushes for profit. Her new flavor? Natalie Portman!
"Scarlett Johansson is a beautiful woman as everybody in the world probably agrees and the I Kissed a Girl song is inspired by all beautiful women and the power they release in their beauty. So I was just using her in an interview as an example and then it turned into this big headline. I was like ‘Well, I really like Natalie Portman too.”
Comments (0) | 11:25 PM
A Cracked Xmas with stunning Ms. Anne Hathaway.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Good Causes
The Trevor Project– a nonprofit endeavor established to promote acceptance of gay and questioning teenagers and aid in suicide prevention – is to hold an evening of irreverent comedy, performances, and awards next month.
The 11th annual Cracked Xmas – A Not So Silent Night will be presented by Anne Hathaway and will honor Sigourney Weaver with a Life Award for her support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Previous recipientt include Ellen Degeneres, Debra Messing, and Rosie O'Donnell.
The event will take place at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles on December 7. Tickets and info are available at the Trevor Project website.
Read original post
Comments (0) | 7:56 AM
Sam and Lindz on the OUTS?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson
Sad Sam Sings.
Comments (0) | 6:07 PM
Gay penguins in Hardin, China steal eggs from straight penguins.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Random
Zookeepers at Polar Land in Harbin, China have observed a pair of gay penguins trying to dupe other straight penguins by placing stones in front of them before waddling away with their eggs thinking no one was watching. Eventually, the straight penguins realized what their gay friends have been up to and started to actively ostracize them from their social club. Keepers had to intervene by segregating the pair of three-year-old male penguins (how cruel!) "to avoid disrupting the rest of the community during the hatching season". The odd behavior of the gay penguins has been explained as being a manifestation of the strong paternal instinct of male penguins that exists irrespective of sexual orientation.
Read more HERE.
Comments (0) | 4:25 PM
A nation learns compassion through example.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics, Random
President-Elect Obama gives back on Thanksgiving Day.
Comments (0) | 7:55 PM
Queer Muzik from Ammmanda. YUMMY!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Amanda Palmer, Music, Music Video
Comments (0) | 2:00 PM
Lindsay and Samantha caught macking.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Random, Samantha Ronson
Comments (0) | 1:44 PM
L Word Crime Scene, a preview.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word
Let the speculations begin.
Comments (0) | 7:33 PM
Olivia Wilde, Maxim's Girl of the Day.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Random

Comments (0) | 5:33 PM
Cozy up and read a lesbian romance, its what winter is all about.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lesbian Literature

Comments (0) | 11:11 AM
See legendary Canadian folk singer FERRON perform live.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music
"Ferron is much more than the answer to the trivia question, 'What if Bob Dylan had been born a Canadian lesbian?' For one thing, unlike her nasal counterpart, Ferron's voice is rich and beautiful. Yet like Dylan, Ferron is a poet who is able to convey emotion without becoming maudlin, and beliefs without edging toward the pedantic. Like the great artist that she is, she paints a picture and has the listeners derive from it what they will, based on their own personal experiences."
"Ferron … is a real salt of the earth singer who approaches her art with both sleeves rolled up, ready to dive in. She walks her talk with heart exposed and performs with a courage and commitment that few other artists ever muster. The songs don't sound composed and sung as much as they feel wrung from the sweat and toil of hard fought experience. In Ferron's world, the contents of her songs appear as if they're lived out on the canvas of her life and not just inside the confines of her art…when she sings, no one can miss the gravity and weight inferred by her commanding alto voice"
Comments (0) | 10:39 AM
Queer MUZIK.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video
Shiny Toy Guns, Le Disko.
Carah Faye ROCKS!Comments (0) | 12:04 AM
Tipping the Velvet, French and Saunders style.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under TV show
French and Saunders parody Tipping the Velvet and re-title their work of genius--Tipping 'O' the Velveteen. If you've seen the movie then I assure you that you'll at the very least smile with teeth. And if you haven't seen it, I recommend you do--It's quite good, as is the novel.
Comments (0) | 11:41 PM
Queer MUZIK.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video
The Sounds, Painted By Numbers.
Maja Ivarsson is HOT HOT HOT.Comments (0) | 11:11 PM
Dawn Goes Lesbian.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Documentary
Journalist Dawn Porter investigates the world of lesbianism. Setting herself strict rules, she immerses herself in a world of women only, moving in with lesbian housemates in Soho and working in a busy lesbian bar. She also interviews experts on female sexuality, while a scientific probe that measures sexual responses provides some surprising results.
Comments (0) | 8:56 PM
Queer MUZIK.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video
Natalie Portman's Shaved Head
Sophisticated Side PonytailComments (0) | 8:18 PM
Meet Saphire Smoke, a NOT so teenage lesbian.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under
I was up all night watching videos on YouTube. It's a really bad habit of mine. Anyway, I came across saphires channel and I got hooked instantly. Saphire Smoke (Mary) is a 21 year old lesbian, model, and stripper who video blogs about whatever is going on in her life. And let me tell you, she sure isn't boring about it either. She's an open book with a lot of swear words--And she's damn funny too!
Confessions of a NOT so teengae lesbian.
Comments (0) | 8:01 PM
Straight virgintiy worth $15, 000! Lesbian virgintiy worth _______?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Random

Read all about the details of the auction here, and read about her post hetero sex experience here. It's quite interesting.
Now I beg to question, how much is lesbian virginity worth?
Comments (0) | 11:57 PM
Acquainting you with Rae Spoon.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Rae Spoon

Spoon's music is personal, touching, heartfelt, and liberating to say the least. There's nothing like good indie folk music to tug on ones heart strings--and Spoon certainly gives us just that. Plus, how can you not like someone who wears a t-shirt with the slogan "smile if you're gay" so proudly--It's impossible to resist such a soul.
Rae Spoon, I Should Have Danced With You at that Party in Harlem.
Comments (0) | 10:54 PM
Rosie's return to television post The View, will the real Rosie please stand up?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Rosie O'Donnell, TV show
I'm excited to see whether her variety show, Rosie LIVE! will become a success, especially since it will be competing to some extent with another prominent lesbians variety show hosted by Ellen Degeneres.
A part of me thinks that people are just too jaded to tune into a fuzzy-wuzzy clean and wholesome show, especially on prime time--or maybe I'm the one that's jaded? Than again, last I heard, reality show ratings have plummeted. Perhaps people will tune in because they're sick of the crap that's on TV, but most likely people will tune in because of the intrigue that Rosie's persona evokes.
The once dubbed "Queen of Nice" has shed her given title to being someone more authentic and honest post coming out, as her appearance on The View has demonstrated. Say what you want about Rosie, you might like her, or you might hate her, but you have to admit that her integrity is intact because she is dreadfully honest. And lets face it, honesty makes some people uncomfortable, while others breathe a sigh of relief in its presence.
Check out dreadfully honest Rosie discussing the personal and the poltical:
In any case, whatever your feelings towards Rosie are I suggest you tune into Rosi LIVE! to see Rosie as herself, a person positioned somewhere smack in the middle between her past persona the "Queen of Nice" and her propagated persona as The Views shit disturber. Should be interesting to see a Rosie who has escaped the closet and freed herself from Barbara Walters’ chains, and heck if you want REAL just check out her blog rosie.com.
Comments (0) | 8:05 PM
An unfiled pic, now filed under HOTNESS.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Amanda Palmer, Amy Cook, Music, Tegan and Sara
Comments (2) | 6:22 PM
SideReel Presents: A collection of lesbian movies.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Movie Links
Click here to be redirected.
Comments (0) | 6:10 PM
A match made perfect by Shamim Sarif.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under I Can't Think Straight, Movies, The World Unseen

In any case, I urge you to get your butts out there and see these two well directed and performed movies in theater, because good lesbian flicks really do deserve your support.
The World Unseen Trailer
I Can't Think Straight Trailer
Comments (1) | 5:11 PM
Out at the Wedding, available via torrent.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Movies, Out at the Wedding

Oh, and If you don't know how to work with torrents go here for information.
Out at the Wedding Trailer
Comments (0) | 11:49 AM
James Bond, The Luckiest Slut In Show Business.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Shane McCutcheon

Through the decades James Bond has acquired quite a collection of beautiful women, none of which have remained in the picture. Hmmm... I suppose in some weird way Shane is our Lesbian version of Bond. I mean, she looks just as hot in a suit as he does. If only she had a bad ass gun... If only...

Comments (1) | 10:54 PM
From FAB to BAM to BREESE.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Bianca and Reese
Go to BAM FOR BEGINNERS to get yourself in the know about BAM and FAB if you already aren’t.
From all of these pairings the most successful thus far has been the BAM one. Bianca played by Eden Riegel and Maggie played by Elizabeth Hendrickson had quite a following on AMC. They were regarded as the hottest lezzies on daytime television, not that the choice of visible lesbians on daytime television was tremendously vast. In any case, the two characters managed to find themselves a fandom following that allowed them to explore their relationship significantly, but not entirely. And once their relationship moved past the Maggie redundancy of questioning her sexuality and admitting her feelings to Bianca, BAM just happened to move away to a land FAR far away (Paris) and consequently so did their love story.
Never did the viewers get a chance to see these two lovebirds that they had invested so much time into do anything naughty, even though I'm sure some of the BAM fans would be more than willing to cut off their arm for just a 3 second screen shot of the two making whoopee. And since the BAM break up (yes, Bianca and Maggie broke up) BAMMERS have immersed themselves in fan fiction and the like trying desperately to relive the 5 years they had invested into a storyline with no happy ending.
Well, in my opinion its time to fucking move on. I was a BAMMER for 5 long years and I hate to admit this, but I'm digging Reese as Bianca's new partner. She's smoking hot and the actress (Tamara Braun) who plays her is phenomenal, even at times, dare I say... Outshining Eden?
After so many years of wishing and wanting for Bianca to have a normal relationship on AMC, on November 14th, 2008 we finally got to see Bianca in bed with another lesbian and not a “friend” thanks to the BREESE pairing. And to my surprise Bianca was a top. ;)
Don't get me wrong, I still miss and love BAM, but admittedly BREESE (Bianca and Reese) are starting to grow on me. My only fear is that once again I'll become invested in a pairing that AMC will inevitably fuck up—Let’s hope they don’t.
BREESE (NOV. 14.08 part 1)
BREESE (NOV.14.08 part2)
Comments (1) | 8:33 PM
I'm NOT above objectifying Kate Moss.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music Video
I'm not a gigantic fan of Kate Moss and I'm fully aware that she is a walking coccain sex ad, but I still think this video rocks--So, I'm definately NOT above objectifying her. This video is HOT HOT HOT. And yes, I know that the video has absolutely no real connection to the song lyrically and that it has no plot whatsoever and that other girls could work the pole better, and yet I can't help myself from wanting to give a shout out kudos to Sofia and Kate.
Enjoy! ;)
Comments (0) | 7:36 PM