Crystal Sheridan - professional stripper, straight, alcoholic, drug user. Laura Taylor - professional writer, lesbian, obsessive tidier, control freak. Two women who have absolutely nothing in common and yet when they become improbable housemates, are amazed to find they can actually live with each other. And not only live. As Laura helps Crystal to come to terms with her traumatic past, romance blossoms between them. And the writer finds healing for her own wounds as Crystal recovers her life and shows Laura another side to love.The popular writing team of BL Miller and Verda Foster has created passionate and realistic characters who will worm their way into your affections in the sometimes painful, often tender and ultimately uplifting story of love and redemption that is Crystal's Heart
To read this novel click HERE.
Happy Holiday Reading!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Crystal's Heart, Lesbian Literature
Comments (0) | 8:39 AM
Want to spend New Years with Lindsay and Samantha?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson

The girls arrived arm in arm, and sat at a cozy corner table chatting with half brothers, Roman and Chris Jones as they listened to the DJ spin Yelle, The Kills and Justice.
The girls relaxed for more than an hour, and said they were happy to be ringing in The New Year with family at Roman Jones’s other club, Mansion Miami for the SoBe Lifewater New Years bash.
Want to party with the girls this coming New Years Eve? Click HERE to purchase tickets and get bragging rights about ringing in the New Year with Lindsay Lohan.
Comments (0) | 11:33 PM
Lindsay and Samantha spent Christmas together, hope it was a good one.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson
"He cheated on my mother and that really sucks … MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!," the actress, 22, wrote a blog post titled "Random Thoughts." .
Furthermore, Lohan sent her love to all of her family members except her father. She also revealed that she'll be spending the holidays with her girlfriend in LA.
"I love my Mom, Aliana, Cody, Michael, and my Nana Sullivan!! I will be missing them this Christmas as it is the first one I am spending away from home. I am spending it with Samantha in Los Angeles."
Comments (0) | 11:12 PM
MILK, a must see movie.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Milk, Movies, Politics
Comments (0) | 11:11 PM
"My dinner of Campbell's Chunky soup will now be even more delicious."
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lesbian Ads, Politics
The Campbell's Soup Company purchased a pair of two-page advertisement spreads in one of the nation's leading pro-homosexual magazines, including an ad highlighting a lesbian couple and their son, reports the American Family Association.
The advertisement for Campbell's product Swanson's broth, the AFA reports, appears in both the December 2008 and January 2009 issues of The AdvocateThe AFA, however, objects to the ad, particularly the frame that depicts the lesbian couple and their son, claiming that the soup company is contributing to homosexual advocacy.
"Not only did the ads cost Campbell's a chunk of money," writes AFA Chairman Donald Wildmon in an email alert, "but they also sent a message that homosexual parents constitute a family and are worthy of support."
Wildmon is seeking people who will contact the soup company and ask Campbell's to "stop supporting the gay agenda."
Comments (1) | 10:47 PM
Rainbow flag sticker, the cause of brutal gang rape?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lesbian Hate Crime, Politics
A woman in the San Francisco Bay area was jumped by four men, taunted for being a lesbian, repeatedly raped and left naked outside an abandoned apartment building, authorities said Monday.Detectives say the 28-year-old victim was attacked Dec. 13 after she got out of her car, which bore a rainbow gay pride sticker. The men, who ranged from their late teens to their 30s, made comments indicating they knew her sexual orientation, said Richmond police Lt. Mark Gagan.
"It just pushes it beyond fathomable," he said. "The level of trauma — physical and emotional — this victim has suffered is extreme."
Authorities are characterizing the attack as a hate crime but declined to reveal why they think the woman was singled out because of her sexual orientation. Gagan would say only that the victim lived openly with a female partner and had a rainbow flag sticker on her car.Raped several times
The 45-minute attack began when one of the men approached the woman as she crossed the street, struck her with a blunt object, ordered her to disrobe and sexually assaulted her on the spot with the help of the other men.When the group saw another person approaching, they forced the victim back into her car and took her to a burned-out apartment building, where she was raped again inside and outside the vehicle. The assailants took her wallet and drove off in her car. Officers found the car abandoned two days later.
The woman sought help from a nearby resident, and she was examined at a hospital. Although the victim said she did not know her attackers, detectives hope someone in the community knows them. One of the men went by the nickname "Blue" and another was called "Pato," according to authorities.
Richmond police are offering a $10,000 award for information leading to the arrest of the attackers.
Hate crimes against gays increasing
Gay rights advocates note that hate crimes based on sexual orientation have increased nationwide as of late. There were 1,415 such crimes in 2006 and 1,460 in 2007, both times making up about 16 percent of the total, according to the FBI.Avy Skolnik, a coordinator with the New York-based National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, noted that gay, lesbian and transgender crime victims may be more reluctant than heterosexual victims to contact police.
"Assailants target LGBT people of all gender identities with sexual assault," he said. "Such targeting is one of the most cruel, dehumanizing and violent forms of hate violence that our communities experience."
Comments (0) | 10:11 PM
Shenny, the beginning.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, Shenny, Spoiler
Comments (0) | 9:59 PM
Portia wears her love for Ellen.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Ellen DeGeneres, Portia di Rossi
Comments (2) | 8:31 PM
Samantha is sad and tired.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson
Samantha Ronson was rushed to the hospital by Lindsay Lohan and her bodyguard & assistant on the weekend. The paparazzi followed as Sam was dropped off at emergency, but everyone remained tight lipped about the incident. However, Samantha Ronson is ok!!Sam posted this morning to her MySpace that she’s home and “all good”. She had become exhausted from all the traveling and working. After a delivery of chicken soup and potato pancakes from Jerry’s Deli, and some “good company”, Sam is feeling better and back to watching her fave Jerry Bruckheimer shows.
Here's what the paps caught on tape.
Comments (0) | 8:22 PM
The Ultimate Gay Christmas, Mary in drag.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics, Random, Religion
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — Amsterdam hosted a Christmas celebration for its gaycommunity on Sunday featuring a nativity tableau with a male Mary in drag that church organizations denounced as an affront to traditional values.Organizers said the event was meant to raise Amsterdam's profile as a gay capital at a time when homosexuals feel threatened.
Christians for Truth, an independent religious group, had asked the city council to cancel the "Pink Christmas," event, saying it made a mockery of Christian tenets. The city did not comment.
Read more HERE.
Comments (0) | 8:10 PM
Queer Muzik, A long running joke... What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video, U-Haul Rap
Kathryn Lounsbery & Amy Turner ("That's What She Said") perform their original rap song about that centerpiece of the lesbian dating process, the U-Haul.
U-Haul Rap
Comments (0) | 8:01 PM
L Word, A Sneak Screening of Season 6 ep. 1
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Episode 601, L Word, Spoiler
THE L WORD ep. 601
"Long Nights Journey Into Day."
Producers cut 3.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Comments (0) | 7:49 PM
L Word Spoiler, The Confession.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, Spoiler
Phyllis wears her heart on her sleeve.
Comments (0) | 7:44 PM
Queer Muzik, Santogold.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video, Santogold
Comments (1) | 10:43 PM
Las Vegas wants lesbians to visit and be naughty.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lesbian Ads, Lesbian Travel
Comments (0) | 10:14 PM
The end of South of Nowhere.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Series Finale, South of Nowhere, Spashley
Anyway, here's the final SON webisode titled, Five Years Later.
Comments (1) | 9:56 PM
Yet another spoiler, The L Word.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, Spoiler, TiBette
Honestly, I think these L Word spoilers are getting out of hand. Where's the mystery I ask?
TiBette's New Baby.
Comments (0) | 9:53 PM
Melissa Etheridge keeps her cool on The View.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Elizabeth Hasselback, Melissa Etheridge, Proposition 8, The View
Aside from promoting her album Melissa Etheridge spoke out about her disappointment of the passing of Proposition 8, and regarded Elizabeth Hasselback cooly in telling her just how disappointed she was in her for backing Proposition 8, whether directly or indirectly. Frankly, I was mesmerized that Melissa kept herself so controlled. I can't imagine myslef seeing Elizabeth Hasselback and not exploding. Anyway, check out the video below to see Melissa handle herself with dignity while handeling Hasselback.
Melissa on THE VIEW 12/16/08
Comments (0) | 9:37 PM
Why I love Margaret Cho.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Margaret Cho, Proposition 8, Protest
Comments (0) | 9:28 PM
No happy ending for Shenny, another L Word spoiler.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, Shenny, Showtime, TV show
All I want is a happy ending. Is that too much to ask for?
Comments (0) | 10:26 PM
Wanda Sykes on Leno.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Day Without A Gay, Leno, Proposition 8, Wanda Sykes
Newly out comedienne Wanda Sykes appeared on NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Thursday December 11th and discussed her coming out, opposition to Proposition 8 and the "Day Without A Gay" protest that was scheduled for Wednesday December 10th.It's great to see Wanda speaking out against intolerance. And heck, its awesome to see a woman of color represent lesbians. Representation is key, so thank you Wanda for putting yourself out there for us.
Comments (0) | 10:16 PM
Loving Annabelle, and then reality set in.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Amanda Louise Thompson, Random
A Brisbane teacher has been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in jail for having an unlawful sexual relationship with a student.A District Court jury in Brisbane last month found Amanda Louise Thompson, 28, guilty of maintaining a two-year sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl between April 2003 and 2005.
The pair met at a high school south of Brisbane in 2003.
During the trial, the court heard the teenager had an eating disorder and that Thompson had wanted to help her.
Their relationship then developed into a sexual one, with the teacher staying at the girl's house and holidaying with her family.
In sentencing, acting Judge Brian Devereaux said Thompson had severely breached the girl's trust and had shown no remorse or responsibility for her actions.
He did not set a parole date.
Thompson was suspended from teaching after her arrest.
This reminds me of the movie, Loving Annabelle only dirty and disturbing. Could it be the reality factor setting in?
Comments (0) | 11:05 PM
90210 to add lesbian character, err... bisexual character.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under 90210
The Insider has confirmed that "90210" will introduce a gay character.
Laura London, who was seen flirting outrageously with Dixon (Tristan Wilds) on the last new episode of "90210" to air, will be coming out on the Jan. 6 episode.
London's character, Christina, will have a girlfriend, but, according to TV Guide, she is going to be bisexual, which may make a triangle with Dixon and Silver (Jessica Stroup).
Not another bisexual triangle--BARF! Why must we be tortured with these recycled story-lines on television? WHY!!!?????!!!!
Comments (0) | 10:51 PM
Easy, Breezy, Beautiful... Ellen is our Cover Girl.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Cover Girl, Ellen DeGeneres
Comments (1) | 10:32 PM
Coming out on Showtime.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Showtime, Way Out
Showtime is developing a reality series documenting gay people coming out to friends and family.Sounds interesting.
The project is titled "Way Out." In each episode, a closeted individual reveals their true sexual orientation during a group meeting.
"Out" will show the person's closeted life, document the moment they reveal their orientation to friends and family, then chart how relationships are changed. Although still in the pilot stage, Showtime is enthusiastic about the project.
Comments (0) | 10:20 PM
YouTube mention, just because.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lesbian Hot Flirting Song, Music, Random
Anyone know if this fine lady has a myspace account? Anyone know anything about her? Let me know.
Comments (0) | 10:13 PM
So gay. So low-budget. So damn FABULOUS!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Random
Comments (0) | 10:03 PM
Twilight actresses Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed a couple? OR is it just my imagination?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed
Watch the below video and tell me if I'm wrong--Note the kiss please. Oh, and let me know if you think that this is normal between friends. BUH!?! Nonetheless, they're hot together--Even if it is just my imagination running away with me.
Comments (4) | 9:37 PM
Sir Rupert, The Gay Knight.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Education, Movies, Random
Comments (0) | 9:28 PM
Lindsay screams GAY!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson
Aviator glasses-- CHECK!
Not one to oppress anybody with stupid stereotypes, but if I did... It'd be valid to say that Lindsay screams GAY! No?
Anyway, thought I'd update you all... YES, Lindsay is still with Samantha Ronson. Even if you don't care, Lindsay wants you to know this little tidbit of information. She'll jam it down your throat via her myspace blog if she has to. I'm not really sure if she's trying to convince the public or herself. BUH!?!
Here's the excerpt from her blog for December 8, 2008.
today i was out with my friend Jamie and paparazzi wouldn't stop asking me where samantha was. and i'm not writing this blog because i feel like i need to prove that i'm with my girl to anyone at all. but because it's just annoying. and i want to vent. and i love myspace because it allows me to vent without having to deal with the noise of the "tabloids" and "stalkerazzi's" ....
all in all-they should just stop asking altogether, once and for all if she and i are broken up because frankly, if we ever ever did.... i would say it before they could even think of asking. i'd say it here probably... i say everything here on myspace. okay. well, i hope that all the gossip magazines and sites, and lurkers read this cuz it's not true. ahh! i love myspace because i can just write, and i love writing, and i can prove all the liars wrong... wow- the people that make shit up must really feel silly, embarrassed, out of stories, scr*w*d, f*ck*d, punk'd, and so much more. because, i can use myspace and just let everyone know what's really going on. which is so much more fun! cuz now, people can get to know the REAL me. yay!
Comments (0) | 9:09 PM
Lesbian Vampire Killers, the poster.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Movies
It may not have a title that immediately screams high-brow entertainment but Phil Claydon's Lesbian Vampire Killers - about... well, killing lesbian vampires- is already whipping up quite a storm. The main reason for that is the presence of James Cordon and Mathew Horne, the duo at the heart of TV's Gavin And Stacey.
LVK, as the film is known to its friends, sees the pair stumble into a rural Welsh village only to find the menfolk being slaughtered and the women being carted off and forced to join a sapphic society of undead temptresses. The first poster from the film can be seen below and should go a long way to clearing up any confusion as to the tone Claydon's going for with this one. From the poster alone it would be a safe bet to say that LVK will offend many lesbians... and vampires.Lesbian Vampire Killers is currently in production and is schedeuled to be released in March of 2009.
Comments (0) | 8:52 PM
Callie moves on... Erica who?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Callie, Grey's Anatomy, Sadie
Brooke Smith, the actor who plays Erica, was fired. This pissed off quite a few people, mostly because it seemed once again that a lesbian story line was exploited for rating purposes. Thus, many lesbian fans turned they're back on the show in rebellion and frustration due to lack of representation on prime time.
Well, it seems that Grey's Anatomy has heard all the groans of dismay because thankfully Callie has not been stripped of her identity as bisexual, as a woman who happens to like other women and men. And so, Grey's Anatomy is moving forward by introducing a new character named Sadie to Callie. Who knows what may happened between these two; however, the video below does give us hope for something more than just friendship.
Comments (0) | 8:29 PM
L Word SPOILER, the crime scene.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word
This is the extended version of the previously posted crime scene video.
I'm a little bummed out about who gets killed off. Although she might be the most hated character by many, I fucking dig her. I was excited about the new season until this revelation. Oh well, at least I still have Shenny to look forward to.
Comments (0) | 8:17 PM
Queer MUZIK from Canada with love, Hunter Valentine.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Music, Music Video
HUNTER VALENTINE MANIFESTO : The name Hunter Valentine represents a certain kind of person…an attitude. Think back to your days in junior high. You’re at your school dance and you have been waiting for this day all year long. Why? Well, because now your hopeful ass has the chance to slow dance with the love of your twelve-year old life. When you finally stop sweating profusely and Total Eclipse of the Heart (your favorite song) comes on, you decide it’s time to ask your crush to dance. She’s sitting on the bench near the wall with her friends; you approach slowly, but, just as you do… Jimmy Dean (the cool guy) grabs her hand and drags her to the washroom. You follow. What do you see? Jimmy is smoking a cigarette in the girl’s room and when he finishes he grabs her and they start making out. Fuck you Jimmy Dean. So if now you ask, who is Hunter Valentine? JIMMY DEAN. He is the heartbreaker that fucked up your chances. He is the bad ass inside you that comes out every once and a while. We say “he” but anyone can have a little bit of Hunter Valentine in them. If you don’t love him, then you want to hate him. But you can’t. Because he is just himself and he never promised you anything.
Second released video: Hunter Valentine, Staten Island Dream Tour.
Third released video: Hunter Valentine, Break This.
Comments (0) | 11:16 PM
More spoilers from the upcoming season of the L Word.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word
Season 6, episode 2 cap.
Comments (0) | 11:09 PM
Brad and Angelina will wed when everyone can.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics
In the tag to her Today Show interview with Brad Pitt, Ann Curry reported that the actor told her that he and Angelina Jolie "will get married when everyone can" and that marriage should be a right for all.
Who would have thought that the once rebellious goddess would settle down and become saint-like? Hmmm... maybe it has something to do with her being a Gemini, one-half naughty and one-half nice--I just wish we'd get a chance to see the naughty more often.
Comments (0) | 10:45 PM
Proposition 8, The Musical!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics, Proposition 8
An honest parody brought to you by the folks from Hollywood. Enjoy!
Comments (0) | 10:30 PM
Obama to pick lesbian Mary Beth Maxwell as Labor Secretary?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics
For the rainbow cabinet of the nation’s first African American president, Mary Beth Maxwell is the perfect labor secretary you’ve probably never heard of: a gay woman, community organizer and labor leader with an adopted African American son. And this founding executive director of American Rights at Work is about to get the full-court press.
And so, today the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign will release a letter to President-elect Barack Obama strongly backing her. The catch: The group last week backed Rep. Linda Sanchez for the post.
Lets wait and see what comes of this.
Comments (0) | 10:20 PM
L Word Cast Commentary reveals more season 6 spoilers.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under L Word, TV show
After watching this cast commentary I am beyond excited about the new season of the L Word. I'm going to miss this show SOOOoooo much! It's really unfortunate that the show will be coming to an end after this season, which begins January 18th. That reminds me, I really need to add a countdown to the L Word widget to this blog.
Comments (0) | 4:56 PM
Lindsay's World, an update.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson
According to Lindsay’s MySpace, an administrator at Facebook deleted Lindsay’s account because they believed it to be a fake.
“at first i laughed, and then i got angry. angry because, with ALL the people that PRETEND to be me on facebook, they decide to say I AM THE FAKE- of myself. all i can think is, WHO is running this site? and how can they just “disable” my account without first, sending me a warning notice, or AT LEAST asking me some account verification questions. here they are re-designing the look on the site when they should be setting up a more secure way of allowing people to set up an account. i wasn’t even under my name, i had a fake name on my account because, obviously i didn’t want everyone on facebook to know it was me.”
Lindsay wants us to know that she still likes Samantha's Vag.
Lindsay shot down rumors today via her MySpace blog that she's no longer dating Samantha Ronson:
oy vey! rumors..
just to clear this up.. because i have been getting a lot of emails asking me this one question.
samantha ronson and lindsay lohan (me) are NOT breaking up
take care
Comments (0) | 4:40 PM
'Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,' Says General
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Random
The Onion News Network is always good for shitz and gigglez.
Oh, and imagine the love... Soak in it, even if it is fictitious.
Comments (0) | 4:33 PM
A Gay Bible?
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Documentary, Politics, Religion
A gay version of the Bible, in which God says its okay to be gay and not straight, is to be published by an American film producer, Max Mitchell.
The move has already provoked upset among Christians, with the blogger Douglas Howe at the Idol Chatter site describing it as "inspired by a political agenda and one person's desire to contort not only the text but the very context of it to suit his own perspective".
Mitchell defends his publishing of the Gay Bible by stating:
"There are many different versions of the Bible; I don't see why we can't have one. Also, there are 116 versions of the Bible, why is any of them better than ours?"
And so... The God vs. Homo debate continues, as we continue to be treated as second class citizens. In many ways, gay is the new black.
Posted below are links to the 11 parts of the doc on YouTube.
Comments (0) | 4:28 PM
Supporting gay-friendly companies and boycotting anti-gay companies.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Politics, Proposition 8
Comments (0) | 3:06 PM
Alison Benchdel post Fun House.
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Alison Benchdel, Lesbian Literature
In 2006 Alison Benchdel became a best-selling and critically acclaimed author with her autobiographical graphic memoir Fun House. She had hoped that an honest account of her youth would somehow stitch her family back together and perhaps even bandage old wounds. However, this was not case at all as she revealed in an interview with Emma Brockes this week.
"I had this fantasy that this book was going to heal us and bring us all together. I was going to tell the truth and everything would be out in the open." The truth of her father's not-quite repressed homosexuality, and the day he stepped in front of a truck and was killed, in what she believes was suicide, required a lot of healing. And? She smiles in understatement.Well, it seems like post Fun House Benchdel is reaquainting herself with comfort by issuing The Essential Dykes To Watch Out For on December 18th as a compendium of her co"That didn't happen."

And so, the real question is... What will Bendchel come up with next? Will she bask in the comfort of the old, or will she continue to push her own boundaries with her acquired knowledge of consequence with regards to honesty? Well, it appears that Benchdel likes a challenge because she has set her sights on writting yet another memoir even after all the shit she had to deal with after the publishing of Fun House--and its this honest fearlessness that makes anything written by Benchdel so damn wonderful to read.
For the next memoir, she is going back to her ex-girlfriends, asking for permission to write about them. "I'm hoping to have everyone be OK with it." She smiles beneath the weight of experience. "That might be a little unworkable".
Oh, and just for the heck of it, here's Bredchel's coming out story. Below is the first page preview.

Comments (0) | 1:45 PM
Words I thought I'd never utter, Bitch Slap me please!
Posted by KINGA | Filed under Bitch Slap, Movies

I really can't wait for this movie to come out. For now there has been no definite release date issued; however, one things is for certain Bitch Slap will be in theaters sometime in 2009. It just seems like a dark yet campy movie right out of a comic book, err graphic novel. Check out the trailer below to understand why sometimes being bitch slapped can be a good thing.
Comments (0) | 1:27 PM